OnJuly 4 of 1988, on the first anniversary of the 1987 Serpent event, in Rome, it was staged at The Mago d’Oz, a Plexus dematerialisation recall event. The Mago of Oz was the historical place of the L.I.A.C.A., managed by Giovanna Ducrot, where in 1987 ended the Plexus Serpent happening parade through the streets of Trastevere. The Serpent painting of Fakher Al Koudsi made in Gavoi was hung up at the entrance. Inside, copies of the boxing ring posters from the photo shot at the Metateatro were suspended from the ceiling. Fabrizio Bertuccioli and Roberto Federici painted the word Fatti negli Ottanta per i 90 (Made in the Eighties for the 90’s) on a cylinder wood box, full of Plexus relics and records from past events. Then, Massimo Sarchielli cooked for everybody his pappa al pomodoro and opened the box. It was staged as a recall of his performance at the New York University Italian Contemporary Culture for the opening of the program The Artist in the First Person, when he showed his video Anna, made with Alberto Griffi in the early 70’s. After, Sandro Dernini performed the voyage of the little toy boat, as a Plexus art messenger carrying dematerialised information from the wood cylinder box Made in the Eighties for the ‘90s into a pyramid of Plexus Campbell cans, placed on top of a booklet of the Made in the Sixties show, held in 1987 at the Whitney Museum in New York. As closing act, the leftover Campbell can, from the Plexus Dematerialization of Andy Warhol event held in 1987 in New York, was opened and filled with jewels and Plexus art money bills by Micaela Serino, while Giovanna Ducrot stamped the Plexus name on a new limited editions of local food cans, labelled Made in the ‘80s for the ‘90s. The day after, in the gardern of Gianni Villella, the Ancenstral Messenger statuette of Arturo Lindsay, buried there in 1987, was retrieved to be carried to Dakar. Then, in early December of 1988, in Rome at Giacomo Polverelli loft, Sandro Dernini presented the Plexus Purgatorio Shows T-shirsts as first items of a future Plexus fashion collection, Made in the Eighties for 90’s, in support of the Serpent traveling event that had no funds to continue to Dakar. Then, always in Rome, Annetta Ducrot organized a big party to spread out the last news from Plexus International voyage. Many photos from past Plexus voyages were placed on the walls. Historical Plexus players, Giancarlo Schiaffini and Micaela Serino in front to the Art Slavery Manifesto Group Shot made at the Metateatro in Rome appointed themselves in that picture as an intentional Plexus compressionist action. As contemporary archaeologists, Gianni Villella and Loreto Papadia posed in front the photos made in the Gianni’s garden when they recovered the Arturo Lindsay’s ancestral messenger statuette.
In the end of December, at Sandro's house in Rome, it was performed the departure of the Made in the 80's for the 90's on board of a little art toy boat travelling through a Plexus Money Art Sea, an art work made by Micaela Serino with hundred of 1000 lire art money in support to the opening in Goree of the World Art Bank.