Buddha bronze Statuete 7cm x 12cm x 4cm given by Don Cherry to Sandro Dernini 1984, New York, in support to In Order To Survive Call at the Shuttle Theatre, Lower East Side, New York
toy boat statuette in wood and canvas by Gaetano Brundu, 1988, Cagliari, height 28 cm, width 27 cm, depth 7.5 cm
Plexus Mail Stamps (Francobolli)
Lire 2500 serigraphed paper, 27cm x 31cm Lire 1550 serigraphed paper, 27 cm x 27cm
Conceptual Artwork by Sandro Dernini, alias Plexus 23s, New York 1988
A Limited edition 100/100 alluminium Cans 7cm x 10cm, New York, 1988
Concept by Sandro Dernini, serigraphed labels in paper 9 cm x 21 cm by Ram Studio, design by Robert Kern, New York, 1988
Made in the 80 for the 90
Artwork Roberto Federici, Fabrizio Bertuccioli, Sandro Dernini, 1988 con contributo nel 1989 di Antonio Caboni, ri-elaborata nel 1990 da Micaela Serino, Roma Wood box 70cm x 38 cm
Marlboro Man Hat art work by Leonard Horowitz, New York 1988
Cardboard with glued marlboro cigarette pack, 36x28cm