This voyage to explore new routes for navigation into the unknown speaks for community-based artistic identities across ethnic and cultural lines, and strives to overcome the notion of 'autonomous art' by means of an interdependent vision of art and life.
Part 1 “Cargo Art & Food without Borders: Looking for Paradise” 10 December 2014 at the Canopy Art Centre, in Cairns, Australia, a coproduction by Centre for Australasian Theatre and Plexus International Forum Onlus, connected via skype with Dakar, Jerusalem, New York, Durban (South Africa), Santa Fe and Atlanta (USA), Barcelona, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gambia, Bari/Lecce (Italy), New Delhi.
Part 2 “ Cargo Art & Food without Borders: Bring Your Light”, 10 December 2015 at Centro Culturale e d’Arte “ Il Lazzaretto” in Cagliari, Sardinia, a coproduction by Associazione Carovana Suono ImmagineMovimento, Plexus International Forum Onlus and Centre for Australasian Theatre, connected via skype with Cairns (Australia), Dakar, Jerusalem, New York, Atlanta (USA), Roma, Gavoi (Sardegna), Gambia
Part 3 “ Cargo Art & Food Without Borders: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 2016, at the Canopy Art Centre, in Cairns, Australia, and in Roma (Public Library space to be confirmed), a coproduction by Centre for Australasian Theatre and Plexus International Forum Onlus , connected via skype with Dakar, Cagliari, Jerusalem, New York, Santa Fe and Atlanta (USA), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gambia, Gavoi (Sardegna).
The 10 December Human Rights Plexus International Open Call is calling for digital art&science images on following articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be joined to the 250+ metre Metr'art scroll:
Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Article 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 25: 1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Plexus Art Co-Opera # 5
In Order to Survive
The Voyage Solidarity
A daring International Solidarity Traveling Art and Science and Technology Event?
10 December 2014, International Human Rights Day,at 6.30 PM, the amazing Plexus Art Co-Opera n.5 “Cargo with Art and Food without Borders” will enjoy a one-hour only spectacular performance at the Canopy Art Centre, in Cairns, Australia. A modular construction through 60 seconds interactive Skype connections will link Cairns with different ethno-realities around the world: Rome, Cagliari-Sardinia, Dakar, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Rio de Janeiro, Gambia, Barcelona, London, New York, New Delhi, Jerusalem, Amsterdam, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Bari (Italy), and Durban, South-Africa. The international cast is made by scientists, artists and cultural and social activists and will feature: Willem Brugman, Catherine Hassall, Sandro Dernini, Lluis Serra Majem, Jesus Martin, Elliot and Hadassah Berry, Roberto Capone,Barnaby Ruhe, Loreto and Gail Papadia, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Fatoumata Coulibaly, Seni Mbaye, Assane Mbaye, Alain Coulibaly, Garrick Beck, Alfa Diallo, David Boyle, Rolando Politi, Inge Gregoire, Fabrizio Bertuccioli, Micaela Serino, Giorgio Fiume, Glaucia Coelho Demenjour, Marilisa Piga, Cicci Borghi, Franco Meloni, Anna Saba, Stefano Asili, Andrea Portas, Alessandra Menesini, ScuoladiPasta, Geoff Buchan,Karl Geiringer, Vittorio Terracina. The Plexus Art Co-Opera 5 is dedicated to Nelson Mandela, Kre Mbaye, Aldo Braibanti, David Ecker, Butch Morris, Frans Evers, Paolo Maltese, Silvio Betti, Bruce Richard Nuggent Leonard Horowitz, Langouste Mbow Don Cherry and Rev.Santithitho
In the sign of the need to expand the perception of the world in which we live and in the consciousness of the everyday acting, behaviors and lifestyle choices, you are invited "to come on board", in the first person, in an International Traveling Art and Science and Technology Journey looking for a Paradise with “Art and Food without Borders”.
In the Programme:
Born Free by Loreto and Gail Papadia
Nutrition Without Borders in Gambia
Plexus Money Art by Micaela Serino
Eating Art at the 2015 Expo Milan with Food and Art with No Borders by Sandro Dernini
10 December 2015, Terra Madre, by Roberto Capone
Plexus Metro Art video by Marilisa Piga, sound Cicci Borghi
We are the new world culture not the new world order by Garrick Beck
The Language of the Birds, Chilombolas Community of Rio de Jainero by Glaucia Coelho Demenjour
Seemapuri Waste Co-Op of Women in New Delhi, India
Children of Jerusalem by Hadassah Berry
Art is Food by Alessandra Menesini
Fun cooking classes in Cagliari, for kids aged 4 - 11 by Scuola di Pasta
SeedBombs by John Brisbin
The local food market of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by Lluis Serra Majem
Territorial packaging of Barigadu by Stefano Asili
Time+Art by Andrea Portas
The Plexus Art Journey by Franco Meloni and Anna Saba
Zingarò by Marilisa Piga, sound by Cicci Borghi
We Have a World by Giorgio Fiume
One on One by Alfa Diallo
Plexus Fair Art Trade by David Boyle
Vittorio Emanele Ettore Terracina
Performance Multi Media by Centre for the Australasian Theatre:
Catherine Hassall
Willem Brugman
James Daley
Dobi Kidu
Zelda Grimshaw
Nasser Selimi
Piers Freeman
(Mo) Zach
Jim Gosden
Dave Masters
Paul Barron
Clarissa Marchetto
Rosie Browning
Chris Browning
Dez Green
Julia Fujita
Miyako Masaki
Satoshi Masaki
Music by Giancarlo Schiaffini, Butch Morris, Don Cherry,....
Poetry by Alfa Diallo, Miguel Algarin,....
Cargo artwork design by Rosie Browning
Centre for Australasian Theatre
Guillaume ‘Willem’ Brugman
0434 594 674
Plexus International