2016 Plexus International Open Call Human Rights Day, Villla Panphili Library, Rome


please, send via email info@plexusinternational.org one digital artwork inspired to one article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in jpg format, in high resolution. 

DEALINE: 7 December, 2016.


On December 10, Human Rights Day, all digital contributions  will be reproduced  in a A3 format and exposed at the City Library of Rome“ Villino Corsini”, in Rome. Then, at noon, in a collective event all digital artworks will be united together to form the a new segment of the Plexus Metr'Art, a collective in progress artwork, currently long 230 meters, made by more 300 artists from all over the world. All new digital contributions will also be also exhibited within the Virtual Gallery of Plexus International.