Do You Think it is Possible to Eat Andy Warhol by Eating an Campbell Soup Can? New York

On February 18 of 1987, in New York, at Patrizia Anichini’s Gallery, Sandro Dernini staged the performance Do you think is it possible to eat Andy Warhol if you are eating a Campbell soup? It was enthused by the symposium The Dematerialization of Art, organized the day after at New York University by Angiola Churchill and Jorge Glusberg, co-directors of ICASA (International Center for Advanced Studies in Art), in which Sandro Dernini collaborated as NYU graduate assistant. He conceptualized the performance as an inquiry for the NYU course Phenomenology and the Arts, conduced by David Ecker, that he was taking as student. 

Willoughby Sharp, Helen Valentin, Bernd Naber, Franco Ciarlo, Donald Sheridan, Peter Grass, Lynne Kanter, Souyun Yi, Carol Drury, Amy Paskin, Christian Chiansa, and Patrizia Anichini were eaten a Campbell soup. Only Joan Waltmath refused to eat it. After eating, they answered to the following questionnaire for the NYU PhD’s phenomenological inquiry:  “Do you think it is possible that you have eaten Andy Warhol when two minutes ago you have eaten that Campbell soup?  Suspend your belief before to answer to these questions. Answer: yes or no? What you mean? How do you know? How was the taste? Is it true or not? Who was the subject?  Who was the object?  Description of the experience”

On the table, brochures of the NYU ICASA Dematerialization of Art Symposium were placed near the plates, as napkins, in order to be read during the digestion. From the analysis of the questionnaires, it came up that the majority of participants believed that they “ate” Andy Warhol dematerialized.

That night Andy Warhol pity died and everybody have been shocked about it.

The next day, at the symposium opening of ICASA Dematerialization of Art, Lenny Horowitz and Stephen DiLauro from the audience reported what had happen a day before questioning about the potential dematerialization of Andy Warhol.

The ICASA speakers were Jean Baudrillard, Donald Kuspit, Vito Acconci, Nam June Paik, Judy Barry, Dennis Oppenheim, Billy Kluver, Nancy Holt, Paul Taylor, Bruce Breland, Flor Bex, Rene Berger, Eika Billeter, Alan Bowness, Julie Lawson, Hervè Fischer and George Chaikin.. 

Nam June Paik believed possible that Andy Warhol had been dematerialized through the intentional act of eating his commodity art symbol.