Plexus Cambialone by Roberto Federici, 2001, Roma
xerigraphed paper 90cm x 192
Plexus Art Slavery Manifesto, Affiche by Seni Mbaye, Dakar, 2004 on manifesto made by Frank Shefreen 1988 New York
Paper 172cm x 145 cm pittura acrilica
Paper 200cm x 155 cm acrilic paint
1. 75 mq art work consisting of 12 strips of fabric with the six colors of the rainbow, 7 m long and 1.50 m wide, on which 708 original historical photocopies of the Plexus Metr'ART were glued, sent from 2005 to 2019 by 373 artists from many parts of the world
2. 70 meters linear long art work consisting of 227 original historical photocopies of the Plexus Metr'ART, joined together, sent in 2004 by 96 artists from many parts of the world.
Triangle de l'Art by Kre MBaye, Dakar, 2006
canvas 165cm x 140 cm pittura acrilica
Modellino Floating Plexus Black Box by Ciro Ciriacono, 1991, Rome
sculture wood and metal, 50 cm x 50cm x 20cm